Engineering Value

What You Don't See

"What you don't see" is the engineering value integral into all of Globe Trekker's products, patented or not. Our team of design and manufacturing engineers weigh every pro-con variable and methodically design, test and assemble our product. Our design rules must include durability, thermal stability (both insulation and expansion), longevity, ease of assembly, your cost, and your outdoor experience. Product engineering has thermal break aluminum extrusions, strong fire resistant SIPs (structural insulated panels), corrosion protection, integrated redundant adhesive sealing joints, tolerance studies, and integral brackets for assembly ease.

 For an additional layer of protection and strength, we simulate and FEA test our products, following up with the real world experience. Partnering with our supply chain, we are leveraging industry best practices for quality and performance.
 We live by "Innovate or Die"!